H&L Software GmbH and its employees create innovative software products.

Due to our long experience we offer in the core areas of IT Consulting and Productdevelopment a broad portfolio.

Know-how and motivqation of our employees assures the high Quality of our products, starting from planning, over implementation to Aftersales-Support.

With the use of newest techniques and with strong partners we are on the side of our customers at any time.




  • H&L Software GmbH
  •     Rosgartenstraße 32
        78462 Konstanz
  • +49 (0)7531 - 36 39 38-0
  • +49 (0)7531 - 36 39 38-90
  • info@hlsoftware.com


  • 1996

    Björn Hansen and Benjamin Michael-Lohs establish H&L Software Service.

  • 1997

    Expansion of office , Employment of the first student trainees.

  • 1998

    Employment of the first employee.

  • 1999

    Employment of further employees, another office is opened.

  • 2000

    H&L offers professional training.

  • 2001

    H&L moves to a new office in the Stadelhofgasse, Development kickoff: H&L Development Framework.

  • 2002

    Development kickoff: Relationship Management Suite.

  • 2003

    Product launch esoDigitales, first RM Suite Installation, Launch of the H&L Customer-Support-Systems, Development kickoff: H&L advises theses.

  • 2004

    Foundation of H&L Software GmbH, Move into a new office in the newly built Lago Center, further enhancement of the H&L Team.

  • 2005

    Release of RM Suite Version 2, Product launch of RM Suite Ready Made Systems „Bewerben & Bewerten“ and „Leasing & Scoring“.
    Roland Dick becomes shareholder of H&L Software GmbH.

  • 2006

    Product launch esoDigitales II.
    10th anniversay of H&L Software GmbH, the H&L Team gets further enhancement.

  • 2007

    H&L Software establishes a site in Sydney, Australia.

  • 2008

    Touch technologies become part oft he product line, Development Kickoff of a RM Suite-based object oriented Replication technology.
    RM Suite Applicant Management on the PERSONAL2008.

  • 2010

    H&L Software establishes the mima GmbH in Hamburg, Herr Roland Dick is assigned as Managing Director.
    By establishing a techincal documentation department H&L gets further support.

  • 2011

    H&L Software GmbH becomes Microsoft Certified Partner and achieves the „Independent Software Vendor“.

  • 2012

    Foundation of a strategic alliance with Jacoby & Cie and opening of a new office in Adriers, France.

  • 2013

    Launch of RMS Mobile app. Facilitates mobile platform and connection independent data entry from anywhere.

  • 2015

    H&L moves into their new offices in Rosgartenstr. 32. The full RM Suite feature set is now available from anywhere using remote app technologies.

  • 2016

    Strategic partnership with Despeghel & partner.

  • 2017

    ed3-Viewer is the first product of the new esoDigitales3 line.

  • 2018

    New apps for smartphones and tablets support the everyday use of RM-Suite.

  • 2019

    Introduction of ed3-Studio from the esoDigitales3 product line.

  • 2021

    The ed3 studio has a planning tool with deployment planning and coordinator.

  • 2023

    ed3 apps support the eds3 studio in the mobile area.
